Live Aboard Diving in East Africa

Southern Tanzania - Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove Islands

South of Mafia Island lie the three smaller islands of Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove.  The first two are islands inhabited only by migratory artisan fishers, while Fanjove Island is a private resort island, the only one in the area.

Currently, other than us there are no dive operators offering diving at any of the three islands.  Okuza especially offers some spectacular coral formations down to approximately 40 m, with clear water and large pelagic fish.  Nyuni and Fanjove also have a continental shelf drop off with some healthy coral and fish populations.  

The three islands warrant a few dives while heading for Kilwa Masoko to the south.  All three islands are best dived from a live aboard trip.  Diving here would be part of a 7 or more night trip originating from either Zanzibar or Mafia Islands.  

At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove Islands.  Contact us for more information on live aboard diving trips to Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove Islands.