The Quirimbas Archipelago - Northern Mozambique

The Quirimbas Archipelago lies in the northern seabord of Mozambique. It consists of a system of 32 islands and offshore reefs that lie up to 20 nautical miles off the Mozambican coast. Some 50 nautical miles east of the island of Medjumbe and rising from approximately 2,000 m of water, lies the archipelago’s outermost reef system, legendary St. Lazarus Bank.

Few of the islands were settled by fishing communities until the Arabs arrived around the 8th century and established trading posts. The Portuguese arrived around the 10th century when the islands trade thrived and were named known as Les Ilhas de San Lazaro. The Portugues established the island of Ibo as the main centre of trade for the archipelago. The country remained under Portuguese rule until independence in 1975.

The Quirimbas are known for the spectacular diving. Deep canyons located between the islands are lined by some of the most pristine coral formations in East Africa, most likely because the deep water upwelling from the canyons has historically provided stable conditions for corals to thrive. Fishing in the Quirimbas still remains mostly subsistence fishing done by artisan fishers in dugout canoes, and is done along shallower reefs located between the islands and the mainland.

Therefore, the outer slopes and drop-off’s of the islands are home to healthy populations of all kinds of fish species, from reef dwellers to large pelagic fish and sharks. Diving in the Quirimbas is best done from a live aboard yacht, as the only other alternative is to stay in one of the few operating resorts located on the islands. Due to the deep water that surrounds the reefs, visibility is often very clear and temperatures remain stable between 25 – 30 degress Celsius year round.


The only problem with diving the Quirimbas is where to start! That’s a nice problem to have, and with our experienced crew we will take you to the best spots the archipelago has to offer, including Vamizi Island and the Metundo Canyon, Medjumbe and Quisiva Islands, and the little known and rarely dived gem of the Quirimbas, St. Lazarus Bank, an amazing reef system rising from approximately 2,000 m of water to it’s shallowest point at 13 m. Trips to the Quirimbas would also include some culture with journey back in time to the enchanting island of Ibo.

At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to the Quirimbas Archipelago. 

Contact us for more information on live aboard scuba diving trips to the Quirimbas Archipelago.

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Places of Interest

Saint Lazarus Bank

St. Lazarus Bank lies some 50 nautical miles east of the Quirimbas Archipelago of northern Mozambique. It rises from the seabed at approximately 2,000 m to it’s shallowest point of approximately 13 m. It is approximately 10 nautical miles long by 4 nautical miles wide. It lies in a north-east direction and is located well into the southerly running Mozambique Current.

The place has a misterious feel to it, and lying at anchor so far offshore with no island in sight, surrounded only by water and the natural beauty beneath it, does tend to push you into a meditative and phylosophycal state. Although prevailing currents can be anywhere between 1 to 6 knots at any one time, there are dive sites that are out of the main current stream. Visibility is usually anywhere between 30 or more metres, and the best visibility we’ve recorded there is 62 m.


Due to the offshore nature of the bank, the place teems with large game fish. There are countless sharks there. The stocky Silvertips dominate the reef, while Silkies dominate the deeper waters away from the reef. Tiger Sharks, Grey Reef Sharks, Blacktip Sharks, Bull Sharks, and migrating Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks are common sightings too.

Corals there are untouched and impressive. Huge schools of Blue and Yellow Fusiliers, Rainbow Runner, and Surgeons of all types and sizes line the reef drop-off’s, and can also be found around shallower monolithic bommies. Drop just below the top of the reef on the current side and you will find no current at all.

Large Potato Grouper, Giant Grouper, Malabar Grouper, Coral Trout, Napoleon Wrasses, and the mighty Dogtooth Tuna will swim right up to you and be your ‘hosts’ for the rest of the dive. Pick a spot on Lazarus and you will be amazed. It is difficult not to be.

Trips to Lazarus are done only on a live aboard yacht for 4 nights or more, where the longer duration trips would include stops to the islands of Quisiva, Medjumbe, Vamizi, the Metundo Canyon, and some other island of choice. If you start to get bored at Lazarus, which is highly unlikely, we can step it up a notch and do a night dive…..At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to St. Lazarus Bank.

Contact us for more information on live aboard diving trips to St. Lazarus Bank.

Enquiry for Diving Trip to St. Lazarus Bank:  Online Form


Vamizi Island

Vamizi Island lies in the norther part of the Quirimbas Archipelago, and is lined by the Metundo Canyon to the south and Vamizi Canyon to the north. The island is a privately owned 5 star resort island consisting of what are currently 6 large private villas. The villas are fully catered by competent staff and require a minimum stay of 1 week. Although costly, heading for Vamizi is money well spent.

We operate the only water sports centre located on the island, which is also our base for Mozambique and only shore based dive centre. Diving around Vamizi Island is exceptional, with it’s top sites being Neptune, Fraggle Rock, and GIANTS (see Metundo Canyon for more information). Other wonderful dive sites are right off Vamizi’s eastern reef, which is the only place in East Africa where you can regularly see the endangered Bumphead Parrot Fish. They tend to be in schools and graze the reef like a herd of Bison…

Vamizi offers diving for all levels of divers, with shallow pristine coral gardens for beginners to deeper slopes for advanced divers. The dives on the Metundo Canyon are the most rewarding for advanced divers. Our dive centre also offers PADI dive courses, snorkelling, sport fishing, highly selective and ethical spearfishing (while free diving) and free diving trips.

A big part of Vamizi is surrounded by a coralline lagoon that is lined by a fringing reef. A major part of the lagoon is gazetted as a marine sanctuary, and as a no take zone there is no extractive fishing happening in there at all. The lagoon is a wonderful place to fly fish and snorkel, and is naturally packed with fish of all sorts.

Diving Vamizi Island would either happen by staying on the island or live aboard yacht trip of 7 or more nights, with the trip originating from Pemba, Mozambique, and that would include stops to the Metundo Canyon, St. Lazarus Bank, Medjumbe Island, and a few other islands of choice. Here is a short but stunning video of what you can expect during a visit to Vamizi Island and the surrounding diving.

At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to Vamizi Island.

Contact us for more information on staying and diving Vamizi Island, or heading there as part of a live aboard trip.

Enquiry for Diving Trip to Vamizi Island: Online Form


The Metundo Canyon

The Metundo Canyon lies in the northern part of the Quirimbas Archipelago. It is located between the islands of Metundo to the south and Vamizi to the north. The canyon is approximately 5 nautical miles wide and drops to some 500 m at it’s centre.

With a starting depth of 10 m and dropping vertically to 150 m, the southern part of the canyon is lined with what is arguably the most impressive drop off in East Africa. Locally known as ‘Neptune’s Arm,’ the actual dive site of Neptune is a world class dive site currently only dived by those privileged enough to stay on the 5 star resort island of Vamizi. To quote a top coral expert, ‘Metundo’s reefs reminds me of what the Red Sea was like 20 years ago, before all the development started.’ Neptune is the only known aggregating place for Grey Reef Sharks in East Africa, and they can be seen there is large numbers from August through December.

Other than Neptune, Fraggle Rock and GIANTS are two exceptional dive sites bordering the breathtaking drop-off to one side and coral laden plateau to the other. Large Potato and Giant Groupers dominate the reef there, where sightings of Grey Reef Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Bull Sharks, giant Napoleon Wrasses, big numbers of Clown and other Triggers, and countless other species, colors, and sizes will dazzle your mind.

Trips to the Metundo Canyon are part of a 7 or more night live aboard trips originating from Pemba, Mozambique, that would include stops to St. Lazarus Bank, Medjumbe Island, and a few other islands of choice.

At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to Metundo Canyon. Contact us for more information on live aboard scuba diving trips to the Metundo Canyon.

Enquiry for Diving Trip to Metundo Canyon: Online Form


Our Day Trips

Our day trips in northern Mozambique are limited to departures from our dive centre located on 5 star barefoot resort Vamizi Island. Day trips target Dogtooth Tuna, King Mackerel, Wahoo, Snappers, Emperors, world record size Jobfish, Giant Trevally, and much more nearby Metundo Canyon’s spectacular reef. 

Please Contact Us for more information on our amazing day trips out of Vamizi Island in the northern part of the spectacular Quirimbas Archipelago of northern Mozambique.

Enquiry for Day Trip from Vamizi Island:  Online Form


Our Famous Live-aboard trips

Our live aboard trips to the very best offshore diving locations off north-western Madagascar are very much based on our very successful formula we’ve been running since 2009 when we started our company; small groups, nice live board yacht, and quality dedicated diving boat. Our top live aboard destinations in the area are Castor Bank, Leven Bank, the Mitzio Archipelago, Cap San Sebastien and Intermediary Bank. Trips vary from 4 – 10 days and our very flexible to be turned into tailor made trips. Without a shadow of a doubt, a live aboard trip is the best way to explore this pristine and little known part of the diving world. Please Contact Us for more information on planning an epic tailor made live aboard diving trip.

Enquiry for Live-Aboard Trips in Mozambique:  Online Form


How to Get There

The gateway to the Quirimbas Archipelago is Pemba, the capital city of Cabo Delgado region. Pemba can be reached by international flights originating from Johannesburg in South Africa, Nairobi in Kenya, and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Vamizi Island is accessible only by private charter flights originating from Pemba, approximately 50 minutes flying time away. Please Contact Us for more specific information on how to get here from your point of origin.


Where to Stay

Vamizi Island is a 5 star resort island located in the northern Quirimbas Archipelago of Mozambique. It is blessed by being located in one of the most untouched underwater areas in the world. The rest of the archipelago, including St. Lazarus Bank, can only be reached on one of our 7 to 10 night live aboard trips. Please Contact Us for more specific information on where to stay when diving this amazing archipelago.

Enquiry for How to get there or where to stay in Mozambique:  Online Form

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