Diving in Southern Tanzania

The Southern Tanzania coastline begins more or less with Mafia Island. Mafia is Tanzania’s third big island (the other being Zanzibar and Pemba) and is located south of Zanzibar Island.

Just south of Mafia Island lies the Mafia Archipelago, made up up of the islands of Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove. Further to the south is Kilwa Masoko, the unknown pearl of Tanzania and site of one of the biggest Arab settlements in East Africa that was established well before Zanzibar.

From Kilwa southward to the border of Mozambique lies some 100 nautical miles of virgin and unspoilt coastline that have yet to be explored. Lindi and Mtwara are the main towns down that part of the coastline, with Mtwara having the better known dive sites.

The southern coastline of Tanzania is remote, and in terms of what we do, remote is good. It means less crowds (there are but two handfuls of resorts spead over some 200 nautical miles of coastline_, less fishing pressure, and more natural beauty for us to share with you. Mafia and the islands south of it, Kilwa, and the entire coastline to the border of Mozambique all lie on the country’s continental shelf. That means steep drop-offs, and being remote areas, there are some exceptional dive sites to visit along a 7 – 10 night live aboard diving trip.

Navigate at night and dive during the day and take the opportunity to discover this little known under and above water part of East Africa.

Trips to Southern Tanzania require a minimum 7 nights live aboard trips that would start either in Zanzibar, so as to include Latham Island, or in Mafia so as to include the southern islands, Kilwa Masoko, and Mtwara. At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to Southern Tanzania.

Contact us for more information on live aboard diving trips to Southern Tanzania.

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or email: info@extremebluewaterdiving.com

Places of Interest

Mafia Island

Mafia is Tanzania’s third big island (the other being Zanzibar and Pemba) and is located some 80 nautical miles south of Zanzibar Island.

It is a relatively large island coverning km2. Historically, Mafia used to be part of the Empire ruled by the Sultan of Oman from Zanzibar, and after independence in 1961 the island was annexed to Tanganyika. Today it is administered by Mainland Tanzania and remains relatively remote and out of the main tourism circuits that have blossomed in the country over the past decade. The main economy on the island remains trade, subsistence farming and fishing. There are approximately 5 resorts located on the island that are mainly concentrated in one area, within the Marine Park.

The northern part of the island receives no visitors and offers some exceptional slope diving. The reef starts at a depth of approximately 4 – 5 m and drops down to 40 m. Prevailing currents are from south to north and allow for divers to drift along the beautiful coral covered slopes. The northern point is an excellent area for turtle sightings and where we’ve experienced the biggest turtle concentrations in East Africa.

The southern part of the island is encompassed by a relatively well managed Marine Park. Chole Bay has a deep pass that offers some stunning diving with big groupers and reef fish. The coral formations in Mafia’s Marine Park are arguably the best in Tanzania, and with exception to those of the Quirimbas Archipelago, the best in East Africa.

Live aboard trips passing through Mafia Island will pass through the northern and southern parts of the island so as to cover all the best diving there is to be had in the area. Once again, it is highly unlikely that you would dive with anyone else but those on the live aboard trip with you.

At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to Mafia Island. Contact us for more information on live aboard diving trips to Mafia Island.

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or email: info@extremebluewaterdiving.com

Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove Islands

South of Mafia Island lie the three smaller islands of Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove. The first two are islands inhabited only by migratory artisan fishers, while Fanjove Island is a private resort island, the only one in the area.

Currently, other than us there are no dive operators offering diving at any of the three islands. Okuza especially offers some spectacular coral formations down to approximately 40 m, with clear water and large pelagic fish. Nyuni and Fanjove also have a continental shelf drop off with some healthy coral and fish populations.

The three islands warrant a few dives while heading for Kilwa Masoko to the south. All three islands are best dived from a live aboard trip. Diving here would be part of a 7 or more night trip originating from either Zanzibar or Mafia Islands.

At the moment, we are the only company in East Africa that is dedicated to offering live aboard diving to Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove Islands.

Contact us for more information on live aboard diving trips to Okuza, Nyuni, and Fanjove Islands.

Enquiry for Diving in Southern Tanzania:Online Form  

or email: info@extremebluewaterdiving.com

Our Day Trips in Tanzania

Due to the excellent diving opportunities, large choice of airlines servicing Zanzibar and the huge choice of accommodation options to suit all budgets, Zanzibar is an excellent location for day trips. The trips start from one of our diving centres located on the island of Unguja, better known as Zanzibar. Locations vary between those around the northern tip of the island, the south-east coast, the southern tip of Pemba Island, and more distant Latham Island. Day trips can also be run from Pemba Island by relocating a boat there for the duration of your stay.

The main fish species around Zanzibar Island are Wahoo, Spanish Mackerel, Green Jobfish, Emperors, Snappers, Barracuda, Golden Trevally, Giant Trevally, Sailfish, Yellowfin Tuna, Marlin, and smallish Dogtooth Tuna. Day trips to southern Pemba Island do also give opportunities to see giant Dogtooth Tuna of up to 100 kgs in weight, while Latham Island is generally the top spot in the area for all fish and famous for its giant Dogtooth Tuna. Our fleet consists of 5 boats that can cater for 4 divers each, with two of the larger boats being super fast and ideal for day trips to the more distant Latham Island. Please Contact Us for more information on day trips out of the Zanzibar Archipelago.

Enquiry for Day Trip from Zanzibar:  Online Form

Email: info@extremebluewaterdiving.com

Our Famous Live-aboard trips in Southern Tanzania

The Zanzibar Archipelago, consisting of Unguja (Zanzibar) Island, Pemba Island, and legendary Latham Island, offers some of the best pelagic and bottom game fish in the world. With fishing pressure increasing around the shallow more accessible reef slopes, the top diving locations are further offshore and better accessed during a live aboard trip whereby you are constantly on location for the entirety of the trip. While Latham Island is now well stablished in the diving world as arguably the top destination to hunt and land giant Dogtooth Tuna, large aggregations of Yellowfin Tuna and Wahoo at certain times of the year, as well as Marlin, Sailfish, Giant Trevally, Green Jobfish, Snappers, and Emperors add to the array of fish to be hunted at this legendary location. Pemba Island also offers a and enviable variety of all of the above species of game fish.

The departure point for all live aboard trips is Zanzibar Island and the top destination in the Zanzibar Archipelago is Latham Island. Being that the anchorage at Latham does not provide any shelter from bad weather, live aboard trips to Latham only run during the months of February, March, August, September, October, November and December to mid month. On the other hand, Pemba Island offers great anchorages sheltered from bad weather. Being that it is very much a wild and off the beaten track destination offering stunning scenery and windows into local Swahili culture as well as world class diving, this destination is only second to Latham Island. With only a handful of rather pricey hotels and resorts located around the island, Pemba Island is best spearfished on a live aboard trip.

Please Contact Us for more information on live aboard trips to Latham and Pemba Islands.

Enquiry Live-Aboard Trips in Southern Tanzania:  Online Form

Email: info@extremebluewaterdiving.com

How to Get There

With multiple airlines from Europe, the Middle East, and South Africa servicing Zanzibar directly or through nearby Mainland Tanzania, it is easy to get to and reasonably priced. If arriving on Mainland Tanzania, it is a short 20 minute hop to Zanzibar on a local flight. Contact Us for more information on flights from your point of origin to Zanzibar.

Where to Stay

A very large selection of accommodation is provided by various hotels, lodges, and resorts. There is a choice for every budget, from 1 star hostels to 5 star resorts. While prices for accommodation is relatively high, there are some great value options in the vicinity of our diving centres. Contact Us for more information on accommodation to suit your requirements.

Enquiry for How to get there or where to stay in Tanzania:

Online Form

or email: info@extremebluewaterdiving.com